Unique Value

I tried my hardest to get ChatGTP to write this blog post. I am unreasonably busy and the thought of getting Generative AI to formalise my consciousness and personal experience in prose was more than appealing. Tried as I might, all I got was generic and regurgitated statements as if a parrot were doing their best to make sense of words it didn't understand according to a pre-defined fact finding and grammatical relationship building structure. I kept prompting this unruly imitator to build a more kooky or humorous written version of me, but all it could muster was a range of grown-up sounding soundbites. 

Chat GPT, or any Generative AI for that matter, is not a version of me. Nor will it ever be. That said, it is likely to become a better version of itself, which understandably feels menacing for some. For now, it is built on ingested data converted to vectors, that are classified and organised in ways that determine how words are related. The effectiveness of the vectorisation is ultimately based on its (now litigious) training data. This makes Generative AI a learning aid or assistant at best and a poorly trained imitator at worst, that prompts you to consider unvalidated and random data in accelerated and more accessible ways, ultimately aiding you as you form your opinion based on its outputs and the questions you ask of it.

So, what is this USP, my USP, that makes me so unreplicable, even if I try to get the most progressive tools to attempt to do so? Some say it is a soul that defines us, something unique that breathes life into our biological apparatus. Some say this is sentience. Others say it is the independence in my thinking, the originality of how my eyes see the world, experiencing what I have experienced? 

Our sense of self, our personal USP, is ever-changing and informed through the context in which we find ourselves and our prior experiences. We are uniquely unique. So much so that we fight others in an attempt to preserve the certainty of our own opinions. But we are not yet sure how to frame this uniqueness and put it to good use, relying on outdated models of maintaining order, from hierarchy and homogeneity to cliques and class systems and command and rule structures that firmly position the neurodiverse, the disenfranchised and the underprivileged at a disadvantage. 

For a moment, consider the above through the lens of a GenZ and consider what it is, however alien or potentially misguided, that they are collectively asking of society and reality. Are they asserting the need to be considered and measured by that which makes each and every one of us unique? Is this what the empires of TikTok and Instagram are built on? The reels of self-expression, self-exploration, and creativity that we spend guilty hours watching and being delighted by. What is the point of this burgeoning and childish excitement at exploring one´s own potential and individuality collectively? What would be the point if were to harness this zeitgeist into structured, rigorous, and academically robust unique behavioural skills data? 

If this is a revolution of the self, of the unique self, as a skills economy then it must also be the revolution of how and why we source, validate and generate data that effectively captures the behavioural skills that define unique capabilities and the ever-changing contexts that we perform them in. This is our opportunity to define and accelerate the value of our unique humanity, no matter our background, and to define and shape the future of our work.  

Lumenai has worked hard to bring over 30 years of our academic and applied assessment experience to build the tools that will be instrumental in this pivotal change in how we harness human uniqueness and put it to work so to empower tomorrow's workforce today and marry strategy with verified behavioural excellence.  

Explore our business case (link here) that demonstrates how we are creating and leveraging validated behavioural skills Lumens to gather granular validated behavioural skills data. This augments strategic workforce planning, Talent Intelligence and People Analytics in ways that allow organisations to more readily pivot to the skills economy where “people can be freed from being defined by their jobs and instead be seen as whole individuals with skills and capabilities that can be fluidly deployed to work matching their interests, as well as to evolving business priorities” (link here).  

Explore how Lumenai´s granular behavioural skills data is making organisations 107% more likely to place talent effectively, 57% more likely to anticipate change and respond effectively, and 98% more likely to retain high performers and how we have enabled organisations to be ahead of the curve of the 89% of HR leaders who will define work, deploy workers, manage careers, and value workers through a pivot to the skills economy.  

Chat GPT Answers the Burning Question

Chat GPT Answers the Burning Question


Unleash your Inner Human