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Making AI Work for Us: A Guide to Human-Centred AI
In an age where artificial intelligence is transforming every aspect of our lives, from how we work to how we interact with technology, a new approach known as Human-Centred AI (HCAI) is emerging.
Social Ventures - The New Profit Model
As businesses continue to evolve, a unique type of enterprise has emerged that blends the pursuit of profit with a mission for positive social impact: the social venture. Positioned between traditional for-profit companies and charities, social ventures represent a compelling model for the future of work, where transparency, trust, and robust technological solutions are increasingly essential, especially in the context of human-AI interactions in the workplace.
How Human Capability Indexing Creates Access for Marginalised Groups - Guest blog by Ieman Aljak
The concept of education and access to opportunities has long been a debate. For UK citizens, we have been blessed with the opportunity to go to school for free and access opportunities that are meant to be open to all. But when it comes to the discussion of whether access is accessible, it’s met with varying opinions from different people.
Assessment Diaries
I nearly lost my sense of humour this week after getting my ankle caught up in vendor pond weed, or put simply an overload of people-doing-assessment-badly and the associated marketing BS. I am not vendor bashing, quite the opposite, I´m trying to vendor venerate, which is definitely possible in the parlours of some brilliant next gen assessment vendors, but there aren't many of them about (sad face). After 25 years working in assessment, learning and development it is difficult to take seriously the assessment ideas that come from folk who have never set foot in the world of assessment.
Asking the Right Question?
“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on it, I would use the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.”
Unleash your Inner Human
The last time I remember really enjoying being honest about being a geek was when I started my PhD, and before that, teaching in an inner-city London comprehensive (UK free school system). In these two places there was no glass ceiling on how to be yourself, no limitations on how to think and never an agenda on blocking aspirations to dream big.
Unique Value
I tried my hardest to get ChatGTP to write this blog post. I am unreasonably busy and the thought of getting Generative AI to formalise my consciousness and personal experience in prose was more than appealing. Tried as I might, all I got was generic and regurgitated statements as if a parrot were doing their best to make sense of words it didn't understand according to a pre-defined fact finding and grammatical relationship building structure.