Lumenai Terms and Conditions

The following are the Terms and Conditions for Sale for Lumenai Ltd.

By downloading our information materials, placing an order with us and taking our assessments you agree to be bound by and abide by these Terms and Conditions of Sale.

1. Interpretation       

In these Terms and Conditions of Sale:

1.1 We, us and our means Lumenai Ltd. (13197894)

1.2. Materials means all products sold by Lumenai Ltd., including both Restricted Materials and Non-Restricted Materials;;

1.3 Non-Restricted Materials means any product sold by us which is not Restricted Material;

1.4 Purchaser and you means the person or organisation identified in the order form or contract who has contracted to purchase Materials, for certification or for consultation from us;

1.5 Registered User means the named individual instrument user identified in the order form, who is either the Purchaser or is employed by or otherwise contracted to the Purchaser; and

1.6 Respondents means those individuals who complete an assessment, questionnaire, or instrument at the request of a Registered User.

1.7 Restricted Materials means any Lumenai Ltd. instruments, software or materials (including, without limitation: questionnaires, booklets, profile sheets) referred to in the order form which are identified as c in the current edition of our Training & Product Guide, on our website, in our other sales literature, or on the instruments, software or materials themselves.

1.8 Terms and Conditions of Sale means the only terms and conditions upon which we will supply you with Materials and upon which they may be used.

2. Jurisdiction:

2.1 These Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of England.   

3. User Qualifications and Restrictions on Sale       

3.1 We uphold the guidelines on the sale of Restricted Materials by Lumenai Ltd. The instruments, software and measurement offered for sale by us have been classified in terms of the professional training required for their use.

3.2 In order to use Restricted Materials and to obtain these Materials from us, the Purchaser must name on the order form a Registered User who is qualified to use Restricted Materials and has registered with us in accordance with our registration procedures. Qualified users are those users who have successfully onboarded and completed relevant training in the use and deployment of relevant instrument(s) and software.

3.3 You acknowledge that individuals only, and not organisations, can become qualified and registered users of Restricted Materials. Restricted Materials purchased by the Purchaser may only be used by the Registered User and by no other person and must at all times remain in the possession and under the control of the Registered User.

4. Ethical Guidelines       

4.1 Restricted Materials must be used in compliance with our current Social Value Guidelines for Ethical Use of Instruments and Questionnaires (“Guidelines”). These Guidelines may be changed from time to time to reflect the most recently accepted practices. We reserve the right to refuse to supply Restricted Materials if the Purchaser or the Registered User fails to comply with these Guidelines. This is in addition to our right to terminate our contract with the Purchaser in the event of breach of this or any other provision of these Terms and Conditions of Sale.       

5. Administration and Feedback, Use of Data (including for research)

5.1 The requirements for giving feedback on individual results to Respondents may be waived where data is being gathered for research purposes only, provided such research has been pre-approved with Lumenai Ltd. (or Lumenai Ltd.’s licensors, as the case may be) in written form. In situations where the requirement to provide feedback has been waived, Respondents should be informed in advance that they will not receive feedback. However, researchers are encouraged to provide feedback if an individual requests it.

5.2 If the questionnaire or instrument is being used in a research context such as to establish its reliability or validity, the experimental nature of its use should be clearly communicated to Respondents.

5.3 Questionnaire or instrument data acquired within an organisational context can be used as a support tool for personalised training and individual career development or promotion.

5.4 Data acquired for one purpose (for example, team building) should not be used for another purpose without the Respondent’s knowledge and consent.

5.5 If you provide personal information to Lumenai Ltd. we may process that personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time, and a copy of which is posted below.

6. Orders

6.1 Any order that the Purchaser makes for Materials must be through written request, if the order is for Restricted Materials, must include the name of the Registered User. Any orders for Restricted Materials that we choose to accept by telephone may be refused if the company name and address is not that relating to a Registered User.   

7. Invitation to Treat Only

7.1 Items displayed on our website and in brochures constitute an invitation to treat. No information on our website or in its brochures constitute, or should be deemed as, an offer by us to supply any items. If an item you request is unavailable, we will inform you. We are not obliged to supply any items and we are not liable if an item is not in stock or is no longer available.

8. Computer Scored Lumen Reports

8.1 The following terms apply for Lumen computer-scored report:

8.1.1 in preparing the reports, while we will exercise reasonable efforts in ensuring the completeness and accuracy of the Lumen report, we make no warranty that any report will be complete and accurate;

8.1.2 the Purchaser indemnifies us and our licensors, and agrees to defend us all and hold us all harmless, from any and all losses, claims, liabilities, damages, expenses and costs, whether direct or indirect, with respect to any claims made by a third party against any of those indemnified in relation to the provision of the Lumen computer-scored reports.

9. Prices       

9.1 Prices are subject to change without notice. Please check for the latest price list on the website each time before ordering

9.2 If there is an error in the price shown for an item on our website or in a brochure, we may cancel any orders placed for the item at the incorrect price, whether the order has been confirmed by us. If you have paid for the purchase before the order is canceled, we will refund your payment.

9.3 For all orders placed: All prices are specified in British Pounds and, unless otherwise stated, are subject to English VAT & delivery fees

9.4 For other international orders: All prices are specified in British Pounds, and converted to relevant currency unless otherwise stated.

10. Payment:           

10.1 We shall have the right and sole discretion to amend or alter the modes of payment.

10.2 Credit Card Payment: Payments can be made via Stripe, via our website at

10.3 Bank Transfer Payment: Payments can also be made via bank/telegraphic transfers, Purchaser to incur all bank charges.    

11. No Cancellation After Acceptance           

11.1 Once we have confirmed acceptance of your order, no cancellation or amendment is allowed (other than as stated in 9.2)

12. Returns for refund or credit   

12.1 All Materials sold are non-exchangeable and non-refundable. 

13. Transforming Culture: Insight Training, Consulting Work and Workshops

13.1 Details of the design and content of insight training and workshops and the prices of instruments are subject to change without prior notice.

13.2 We reserve the right to cancel/postpone/reschedule an insight training workshop for any reason at our sole discretion. We will confirm programs two weeks prior to commencement. In in-person events the Purchaser shall not make travel and accommodation arrangements prior to receiving confirmation from Lumenai Ltd.

13.3 A non-refundable deposit of at least 30% is required with your registration for an insight training workshop.

13.4 Full payment is required 1 week prior to the commencement of the insight training workshop, unless we otherwise agree in writing. Any purchaser who fails to pay in full as aforesaid shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the workshop, and the 30% deposit shall be forfeited.

13.5 In order to be a fully qualified administer of the respective Instrument, individuals are required to:

  1. Attend the insight training workshop and must be present throughout the program.

  2. Participate in the exercises and the debriefs of the insight reports

  3. Pass the insight training workshop

13.6 No refunds will be given for any insight training /workshop for any reason whatsoever, regardless of circumstances. If you are unable to attend a insight training workshops for which you have registered, you may: (i) designate another individual to take your place (provided that individual meets the course pre-requisite requirements, and provided you give us at least 14 days written notice of the change); or (ii) you may with our agreement – transfer to a later insight training workshop (in which case a transfer fee applies as set out below).

13.7 Purchasers who wish to transfer to another insight training workshop shall give prior written request for our agreement that they wish to do and will be charged a transfer fee of £150. A maximum of 3 transfers per enrolment for a particular insight training workshop or workshop may be made. After 3 transfers, the fees will be forfeited.

13.8 For any changes or cancellation of dates within less than 2 weeks before consulting work program, full consultation fees and costs to be borne by client.

13.9 We reserve the right to appoint another trainer/consultant for certification programs/workshops for any reason at our sole discretion without prior notice.

13.10 Participants and Purchasers shall not make any video, visual, photographic, audio, or other recording of any certification program/workshop session or part thereof without the written consent of Lumenai Ltd. All such recordings made without our written consent shall be deemed to be the property of Lumenai Ltd.

14. Limitations and Exclusions  

14.1 To the extent permitted by law and unless otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions of Sale, all conditions, warranties, guarantees, rights, remedies, liabilities or other terms that may be implied by custom, under the general law or by statute are expressly excluded under these Terms and Conditions of Sale.

14.2 To the extent permitted by law and unless otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions of Sale, our liability to you arising directly or indirectly under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions of Sale or the performance or non-performance of these Terms and Conditions of Sale and whether arising under any indemnity, statute, in tort (for negligence or otherwise), or on any other basis in law or equity is limited as follows:

14.2.1 we exclude all liability for loss of revenue, loss of goodwill, loss of customers, loss of capital, downtime costs, loss of profit, loss of or damage to reputation, loss under or in relation to any other contract, loss of data, loss of use of data, loss of anticipated savings or benefits, or any indirect, consequential or special loss, damage, cost or expense or other claims for consequential compensation, incurred by or awarded against you under or in any way connected with these Terms and Conditions of Sale or the provision of the Materials (even if Lumenai Ltd., its affiliates, agents or subcontractors have been advised of the possibility of such loss, damage, cost or expense); and

14.2.2 Our total aggregate liability under or in any way connected with these Terms and Conditions of Sale or the provision of the Materials is otherwise limited to the amounts paid by you to us under these Terms and Conditions during the twelve-month period preceding any eligible claim.

15. Indemnity           

15.1 In addition to your indemnification obligations under other clauses of this Agreement, you indemnify us against any liability, loss, harm, damage, cost or expense we may suffer or incur (including as a consequence of any claim made by a third party, and including legal costs and expenses on a full indemnity basis) arising from or in connection with your breach of these Terms and Conditions of Sale or your violation of any law or the rights of any third party (including intellectual property rights).

16. Changes to these Terms and Conditions of Sale       

16.1 We reserve the right to revise and amend these Terms and Conditions of Sale in our discretion as follows:

16.1.1 if we consider that the change is likely to benefit you or have a neutral or minor detrimental impact on you, we may make any changes immediately without notifying you except by publishing the amended Terms and Conditions of Sale on our website;

16.1.2 if we consider that the change is likely to have a significant detrimental impact on you, we will notify you of the change (solely by using the email address you have provided) and will display a notice on our website describing the change.

16.2 Your continued use of the Materials after an amendment will mean that you agree to that amendment. You must immediately stop using the Materials and inform us in writing if you do not agree to an amendment.

17. Change of Address or Registered User

17.1 If the address of the Purchaser or Registered User changes, you will inform us immediately.

17.2 If a Registered User ceases to be employed or engaged by the Purchaser, or moves to a different section or department of the Purchaser, he or she may not take with him or her any Restricted Materials in his or her possession.   

18. Intellectual Property               

18.1 All Materials supplied by us are protected by intellectual property rights (including trademarks, copyright, patents, trade secrets or design rights) and rights of confidence. The reproduction or distribution of these Materials in whole or in part, in any form (including in paper format, electronic format, as part of computer software or as a segment of an instrument battery) or misuse of their storage in a database or retrieval system, by any process, is prohibited except where expressly permitted by law or by license. If you wish to modify or quote any Materials in research projects or other materials, you shall apply for our written permission. This section applies to any instrument/product/materials or section of an instrument, including but not limited to, for example:

  1. Questions and all questionnaire items, whether singly or in a group;

  2. Live and static client reports or feedback forms;

  3. Lumen charts as they appear in software, live insight or PDF report forms;

  4. software programs and accompanying documentation; and

  5. Certification Program and workshop materials, as well as all other quoted Materials found in manuals, brochures, books or our website.

18.2 You acknowledge and agree that you are obtaining a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use the Materials subject to these Terms and Conditions of Sale and any additional terms provided to you in relation to the Materials. We reserve the right to take prompt legal action against anyone who infringes our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of our licensors. This includes (without limitation) reproducing copyrighted Materials in a computer medium.

18.3 Intellectual property rights infringement of instrument Materials damages the professional standards and credibility of the instruments themselves and the individuals who are using them. Also, loss of revenue ultimately means that fewer resources can be devoted to the continued development of the instruments. We require all of our customers and assessment administrators and Respondents to cooperate by ensuring that no copyright or other intellectual property rights infringements occur as a result of that person’s usage of the Materials.

19. Use of Materials       

19.1 Neither the Purchaser nor any Registered User may resell, rent, lend, lease, exchange, give or otherwise dispose of Materials or part thereof to third parties or act as agent, distribution channel or stockist of Materials.

19.2 Neither the Purchaser nor any Registered User may make use of data they collect by means of Materials to create products for commercial sale or other commercial exploitation.

19.3 Our Terms of Use and Data Privacy Policy shall be incorporated herein.

20.1 Use of Trade Marks           

20.1 You shall always comply with our Trademark Guidelines. A copy of our Trademark Guidelines and Data Privacy Policy shall be incorporated herein.

21. Termination and Return of Materials

21.1 Where you have breached any provision of these Terms and Conditions of Sale, and without prejudice to any of our other rights or remedies, we may by written notice immediately terminate these Terms and Conditions of Sale or the provision of any goods or services under them, without any liability to you, but your liability to us for your breach shall subsist notwithstanding the termination.

21.2 Further, we may terminate these Terms and Conditions of Sale and the provision of any goods or services under them without cause by giving you 14 days’ prior written notice.

21.3 If these Terms and Conditions of Sale are terminated for any reason, we shall have the right to require the prompt return of all Materials and may refuse to supply any Materials not yet supplied. 

22. General       

22.1 Any indemnity or other term by its nature intended to survive termination or expiry of these Terms and Conditions of Sale survives termination of these Terms and Conditions of Sale.

22.2 If any part of these Terms and Conditions of Sale is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, that part will be severed and the remaining parts of these Terms and Conditions of Sale will continue in force.

22.3 A party does not waive a right, power or remedy if it fails to exercise or delays in exercising the right, power or remedy. A single or partial exercise of a right, power or remedy does not prevent another or further exercise of that or another right, power or remedy. A waiver of a right, power or remedy must be in writing and signed by the party giving the waiver.

22.4 These Terms and Conditions of Sale do not create a relationship of employment, trust, agency or partnership between us.

22.5 These Terms and Conditions of Sale set out the entire agreement between us in relation to our supply to you of Materials.

Any Questions?           

If you have any questions regarding these Terms or Lumenai Ltd., please contact us at:

Access to Products

 It is a condition of sale that access to products will not be available for transfer to the buyer until full payment is received by us. If payment is not received before the deadline(s) specified by us, we may close any access to products that have not been paid for.           

Delivery of Report:           

We require 3 working days to send PDF reports (upon Respondent’s completion of the assessment, and/or all relevant related documents and full payment).

We shall not be responsible for delays in report generation or other delays in our performance under this Agreement that are the result of circumstances outside of our control, including (without limitation): acts of God, acts of government, fires, explosions, earthquakes, drought, floods, war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, terrorism, internet disruptions, riots, strikes, Respondent’s failure to complete assessments on time, and incomplete or inaccurate payment or order information. It is Purchaser’s responsibility to ensure that Respondents for whom you are requesting reports complete the assessments at least 5 working days prior to due date.

Reports are sent in PDF format only.

Delivery of Material/s

  • Material/s will be dispatched within 2 working days upon receiving confirmation and payment.

  • PDF reports will be dispatched within 4 working days (upon the last Respondent’s date of completion).

  • Item(s) you request may sometimes not be available immediately; we will inform you and deliver the item(s) to you as soon as practicable when they become available   

 Claims for Damage or Discrepancies       

  • Any claims for non-delivery of, damage to, or discrepancies in, dispatched Materials shall be made in writing and brought to our attention by email to quoting the Purchaser’s name and invoice number and a description of the alleged damage or discrepancies:

    • within 3 days of receipt of consignment for damage or discrepancies between Materials ordered and Materials received; and

    • within 21 days of the order date for non-delivery.           

Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement

This privacy policy covers this website and all SaaS sites (together, the Website) produced by Lumenai Ltd. (Lumenai Ltd., we, us).

It is your responsibility to read and understand this privacy policy. By visiting our Website you are agreeing and consenting to the practices described in this privacy policy. If you do not agree to all of this privacy policy and do not wish to be bound by it, you are not authorised to access or otherwise use the Websites, or take part in any of the programmes and offers that we provide.

Our legal status under UK data protection law is that of a data controller and in this capacity we will securely store and process your personal information which you have provided to us. Data controller is a legal term used in the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act) to signify the person who controls what to do with any given personal information.

We are committed to safeguarding your privacy online. We appreciate that you do not want any personal information you provide to us distributed indiscriminately and here we explain how we collect information, what we do with it and what controls you have. This privacy policy may change from time to time so please check back here frequently.

What personal information do we collect from you?

What is personal information? Personal information is any information that allows someone to identify you, including, for example, your name, address, telephone and mobile numbers, email address, as well as any information about you that is associated with or linked to, or could be linked to, any of the foregoing data.

Your personal information is collected when you register or fill in a form on a Website, contact Lumenai Ltd., or complete assessments, forms in any of our pages which may relate, for example, to subscriptions, webinars, offers and promotions and personal information you provide in online surveys and forums on a voluntary basis. This includes information you provide when you register to use our Website, subscribe to newsletters, place an order or participate in discussion boards on our Website. The information you give us may include your name, address, email and phone number.

Personal information that is provided by you will only be used for the purpose for which it is provided, unless you are informed otherwise at the time of giving the information.

Lumenai Ltd. will from time to time collect information from you for the purpose of creating de-personalised data that does not reveal your identity. Lumenai Ltd. uses this information to improve our products and occasionally for other internal purposes. This information is only used in de-personalised form and is not connected to any name, address or other personal identifying information.

How is your information processed, stored and kept secure?

Your personal information may be processed both in and outside the UK. When you submit your details in whichever country you are situated you agree to the information being processed in the UK.

We may also process or transfer your personal information outside the UK (and possibly to places outside the European Economic Area, which is all EU member states plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein). Lumenai Ltd. shall take reasonable steps to ensure that any transfer of your personal information to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area, whose laws may provide for a lesser standard of protection for your personal information than that provided under European law, shall have adequate protection (such as model contractual arrangements as approved by the EU).

The Websites and our servers are based in the UK and the USA and have appropriate technical and organisational measures in place to protect against unauthorised or unlawful use of your personal information as well as the accidental loss, destruction or damage of your personal information whilst under our control.

However no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure and whilst we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk.

How do we use your personal information?

Lumenai Ltd. processes personal information for the following purposes:

  • providing you with goods and/or services that you have requested and communicating with you about those products and services;

  • monitoring, developing and improving the Websites, our services and your experience;

  • providing a personalised service;

  • conducting market research surveys;

  • market research, community and forums management;

  • providing you with information about Lumenai Ltd.'s, or our business partners' products and services where you have provided your consent. You will always be able to opt-out or unsubscribe from these messages;

  • send out email alerts you have agreed to receive. You will always be able to unsubscribe from these messages;

  • processing and dealing with any complaints or enquiries made by you or legally on your behalf;

  • we may also be required to disclose your personal information to authorities who can request this information by law that is binding on Lumenai Ltd., for instance for the prevention and detection of crime, the capture or prosecution of offenders and the assessment or collection of taxes; and

  • other purposes related to any of the above.

Lumenai Ltd. may also contact you about your registration details, to manage any account or subscription you have with us, or to provide customer service, even if you have opted-out of or declined to consent to receiving promotional emails. We may also contact you if we consider that revisions to this privacy policy are sufficiently important to notify you about them.

Do we share your personal information with anyone else?

We may share your personal information with any member of our group, which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries, as defined in section 1159 of the UK Companies Act 2006.

We may disclose your personal information to partners of Lumenai Ltd. who supply services to you on behalf of Lumenai Ltd. and who need to process personal information in the provision of such services. When you request goods and services from Lumenai Ltd., you are consenting to the disclosure of your personal information to Lumenai Ltd.'s partners who may provide such goods and services under contract and guarantee to our satisfaction that they have sufficiently robust processes in place to ensure the security of your personal information whilst it is in their care.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties:

In the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets. If all or substantially all of our assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by us about our customers will be one of the transferred assets.

We may disclose depersonalised data (such as aggregated statistics) about the users of our Websites in for machine learning, in order to describe our sales, customers, traffic patterns and other site information to prospective partners, advertisers, investors and other reputable third parties and for other lawful purposes, but these statistics will include no personally identifying information.

Under certain circumstances we may occasionally be required by law, court order or governmental authority to disclose certain types of personal information and we reserve the right to comply with any such legally binding request. Examples of the type of situation where this would occur would be:

  • in the administration of justice;

  • where we have to defend ourselves legally;

  • in complying with the mandatory requirements of a government department collecting information; and

  • to protect or defend the rights or property of Lumenai Ltd. Publications Ltd or users of our services.

Other than this, Lumenai Ltd. will not disclose any of your personal information to any other third parties without your consent.

Are there any age restrictions on supplying personal information to us?

If you are aged 16 or under, please get your parent/guardian's permission beforehand whenever you provide personal information to the Websites. Users without this consent are not allowed to provide us with personal information. If we become aware that you are under 16 and are attempting to or have submitted personal information via the Websites without your parent/guardian's permission, we will not accept such information and we will take steps to remove such information from our records. This may involve us having to access and verify your age and other relevant details.

How long will we keep your personal information?

We will hold your personal information on our systems only for as long as is necessary.

Changing your mind about receiving marketing messages

We give you choices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information. When you register on one of our sites or respond to one of our communications or offers, we will ask you to make choices about receiving further marketing communications from us. Should you wish to stop receiving marketing communications from us, you will be able to unsubscribe or opt-out, or you can contact us and we will make the changes for you. Our contact details are at the end of this privacy policy. Please remember to include your full name and address in order that we may make the changes that you request.

How do we use cookies?

"Cookies" are pieces of information that a website transfers to your hard drive to store and sometimes track information about you. Cookies are common and won't do anything to harm your system - they simply store or gather information. They help you to get the most out of your visit to our Websites.

We may collect information about your computer including, where available, your IP address, operating system and browser type for system administration as part of our audit trail process. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but if you prefer, you can change your browser to prevent that. You are not obliged to accept cookies and you can adjust your browser's setting to prevent it from accepting cookies on your computer - go to for instructions on how to disable cookies. However, you may not be able to take full advantage of our Websites if you do so.

Cookies are specific to the server that created them and cannot be accessed by other servers, which means they cannot be used to track your movements around the web. Although they can be used to store information which may identify a user's computer, cookies do not personally identify users and passwords and credit card information are not stored in cookies.

Our Websites use two main types of cookies:

  • Per-session cookies. We only use these whilst you are visiting our website and they are deleted when you leave. They remember you as you move between pages, for example recording the items you add to an online shopping basket. They also help maintain security.

  • Persistent cookies. These cookies stay on your computer until they expire or are deleted. We set automatic deletion dates so that we don't keep your information for longer than we need to.

  • Our Websites also use cookies, for example, to:

  • Gather customer journey information across our sites and fulfil any of your requests;

  • Gain insight into the nature of our audience so we can tailor our content accordingly;

  • Ensure your privacy when you visit our secure sites;

  • Store login details for our secure sites;

  • Store details of your marketing preferences to improve and enhance your visit to our sites;

  • Evaluate our sites' advertising and promotional effectiveness - all information is anonymised and we don't share it with anyone.




Analytics cookies (__utm, __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, _ga, _gid, _gat)

Lumenai Website

Lumenai Ltd. uses Google Analytics, which sets a first-party cookie in order to anonymously identify when users return to specific websites.

Google uses the information sent with this cookie to store a history of website pages visited in a user's session. This data will not be used to associate any part of your identity, anonymous or not, with any other data held by Google.

Further information about how to opt-out of this cookie can be found at

Google Advertising cookies,,,,, or

Lumenai Ltd. uses Google Double Click to serve advertisements. Advertisements are received from Google Double Click servers to your browser along with a cookie to anonymously identify you as you visit websites which serve advertising from Google Double Click servers.

In addition to providing website usage data as described above, Google Analytics may also collect anonymous demographic data such as age, gender and interests by placing a Google DoubleClick cookie in your browser. This data is aggregated and anonymised and helps us understand the types of users who visit our site. This cookie may also help us serve advertising tailored to your interests and preferences when you visit our sites or other sites that we advertise on.

More information about this cookie, including how to opt-out of receiving the cookie can be found at

If you opt out of this cookie, you will still see advertising when you visit our sites, but the content of the ads may not be as relevant to you.

Facebook Pixel and other domains used by the Facebook family of companies, including the, and domains

Lumenai Ltd. uses Facebook technologies such as the Facebook Pixel to show you interest-based marketing content from our brands and selected advertisers if you have viewed a Lumenai Ltd. website. Data collected by the Facebook Pixel may also be anonymised and used in aggregate to help improve the quality and effectiveness of our websites and marketing efforts.

You can find out more about Facebook Advertising and manage your Facebook Advertising settings or opt-out of Facebook interest-based advertising at

Facebook Like Button cookies

When you create or log in to an account on cookies are stored on your computer in order to remain logged-in to your facebook account when visiting again.

The Facebook Like Button used on our Website is hosted by Facebook and your browser therefore sends this cookie data to Facebook when creating the button inside your browser. This data is used by Facebook in order to associate the Facebook Like Button with your Facebook account. This information is not accessible to us, and is not sent to us by Facebook.

More information about this cookie and Facebook's Privacy Policy can be found at

Twitter Share Button

When you create or log in to an account on cookies are stored on your computer in order to remain logged-in to your twitter account when visiting again. The Twitter Share Button used on our Website is hosted by and your browser therefore sends this cookie data to Twitter when creating the button inside your browser. This data is used by Twitter in order to associate the Twitter Share Button with your Twitter account. This data is not accessible to us, and is not sent to us by Twitter.

More information about this cookie and Twitter's Privacy Policy can be found at

Google +1 Button

When you create or log in to an account on cookies are stored on your computer in order to remain logged-in to your Google account when visiting again. The Google +1 Button used on our Website is hosted by and your browser therefore sends this cookie data to Google when creating the button inside your browser. This data is used by Google in order to associate the Google +1 Button with your Google account. This data is not accessible to us, and is not sent to us by Google.

More information about this cookie and Google's Privacy Policy can be found at

Social Media

Social networking sites, such as Facebook, among others, work with us as trusted third party partners. We also work with application developers who specialise in social media, so that we can connect with your social networks. We provide access to our Websites for third parties and business partners so that we can generate interest in our products and services among members of your social networks and to allow you to share product and service interests with friends in your network.

We do not control how your personal information is collected, stored or used by such third party sites or to whom it is disclosed. You should review the privacy policies and settings on any social networking site that you subscribe to so that you understand the information they may be sharing. If you do not want your networking sites to share information about you, you must contact that site and determine whether it gives you the opportunity to opt-out of sharing such information. Lumenai Ltd. is not responsible for how these third party sites may use information collected from or about you.

Other websites

This privacy policy applies only to our Websites. There are links on these Websites to third party websites over which Lumenai Ltd. has no control and when you click on advertisements or links you will leave our Websites and go to another site and thereafter it is that third party's site whose privacy policy will apply.

Lumenai Ltd. accepts no responsibility or liability for any third party practices on third party websites. Lumenai Ltd. advises you to carefully read third party privacy statements prior to the use of any third party website.

Your rights regarding access to your personal information

The General Data Protection Regulation provides you with certain rights when it comes to the processing of your information. These rights include: the right to access your information, to update incorrect information, to delete your information, to restrict processing of your information, to transfer your information and to object to its processing. If you wish to access the personal information held by us, you should contact us by using the information provided in the next section.

If we are legally able, we will provide you with copies of all the personal information we hold about you. We are also obliged to request that you provide us with identification so that we can be certain that you are entitled to receive the requested data.

Please help us to keep our records of your personal information up-to-date by notifying us of any changes or corrections to the personal information we hold about you.

If you are a member of one of our online communities and forums you will be able to directly log in and review some your personal information and amend/delete accordingly.

How to contact Lumenai Ltd.

If you do not understand or accept this privacy policy or wish to contact us concerning any matter relating to your personal information then please email info@Lumenai or write to us at:

Lumenai Ltd.

Oxford University Innovation

Buxton Court

3 West Way




Alternatively you can get in touch with us via our contact page.